What it Actually Means to “Pivot” (and why you’re damned if you don’t)

Every business you’ve interacted with since the inception of the interweb has come out of the woodwork to flood your inbox and let you know they’re here to support you, during this challenging time. 

This recent inbox flooding is part of a much larger ethical/social dilemma that businesses and marketers are ALL trying to navigate their way through… 

How to “sensitively sell.”

The solution to this challenge is best expressed using a trendy little buzzword, widely embraced by the marketing community. 

We call it…

The “Pivot”

You hear it everywhere, right?  Well, if you didn’t before, you will now.

What does it mean to pivot? 

Simply put, pivoting means figuring out how to ethically sell your products or services in a way that doesn’t feel “icky,” “insensitive” or “tone deaf” in an uncertain economy and rather bleak times for all. 

The pivot dilemma going on in every business owners’ mind right now is some variation of:

A. I still need to sell things to be able to support my family and…

B. I still have bills to pay and employees relying on me for income but…

C. I don’t wanna look (or feel like) a complete dick asking people for money right now but…

D. I do need to approach it somehow. Or can I just keep going, business as usual and approach it only if I need to?

Here’s the deal. You NEED to. 

In the blink of an eye, old fears were replaced by new ones. 

There’s been a worldwide shift in perspective and values. 

While it’s very likely that the solutions we offer in our products and services are still instrumental in value…

It’s also likely that the problems it previously solved have changed. 

It’s our job to do the due diligence in figuring out the angles, motivations, challenges and pain points that resonate now, so that we can reframe or “pivot” our messaging to reflect these changes and present our solution in a way that’s relevant to the “now” problems that we solve.  

To what degree you pivot will obviously depend on what kind of industry you’re in, the types of products and services you sell… a major variety of factors…

But for now, let’s talk about what happens if you don’t “pivot” at all.

What happens if you don’t “pivot” at all?

To think you can do NOTHING is a major misfire. 

If you’ve got ads running, conveying a “lifestyle” that isn’t currently relatable…

If you’re running email campaigns and auto-responder sequences that haven’t been updated in a while, with messaging and images of you and your family vacationing on a Caribbean cruise saying “This could be you!… 

If you are in NO way modifying or creating new messaging to acknowledge and reflect the current state of the world we’re living in…

(Especially at a time when even the companies we haven’t heard from in YEARS are blowing up our inboxes to show off their “pivots.”) 

Then you’ll be one tone deaf buffoon sticking out there like the sore, distasteful thumb that you are. 

My 5 Step Offer and Course Creation Strategy Guide (not really intended for pivot’s sake, but is actually perfect for it) walks you through each step of the brainstorming and messaging process, helping you to quickly identify the angles and pain points that you can use to effectively reposition your messaging.

You can download it here.

Now pivot, damnit…pivot! 

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